Coke Bust – Euro tour covers of ”Confined”
Now here’s something. Nick from Coke Bust sent me photos of his last minute effort to create 60 original, hand made covers for Coke Bust’s European tour in June, as Refuse Records had 60 copies of the 2013 LP ”Confined” left without outer sleeves. I offered to help out with some, and Nick accepted. So I spent a weekend together with my buddy Danne Dolk (Instagram: @glue_and_destroy) creating covers in our different styles. Below are photos of the collage covers I did. They were too big to scan, so these photos will have to do. I like how these were done without much pressure, with the fun in it being the central thing. I did one cover with a portrait of each band member, one with a drawing of our mutual friend Biff, and then one last without any portraits (I fucked up on the last one, with the back-flap being the wrong way). I had big-ass use of my color archives, where I keep lots of cut outs of different colors so I can easily find different tones of whatever color I might be in need of. Of course, there are a lot of inside jokes and stories behind these collages, but I’ll keep those to myself.